

Made it to Osaka!

In the Umeda Sky Building!


Can't go to Osaka and not eat fried chicken (and everything else) skewers!

Osaka Castle

Beautiful Fall Colors :)


Made it to Kyoto!

Kiyomizu Temple

Kiyomizu Temple from the bottom


やわたんまち祭りPt.1// Yawatanmachi Festival Pt. 1

Various Pictures from Yawatanmachi Festival

鴨川の祭り// Festival in Kamogawa

I went to a local festival in Kamogawa and helped carry the mikoshi (portable shrine) for the first time. It weighs about a ton, so needless to say, my shoulder was sore for a few days after. During the daytime, the men carry it, the evening, it's half and half, and by evening it's almost all women. 
鴨川の祭り行って、初めて神輿を担いでいた~ 1000パウンドぐらいの重さで肩は1週間ぐらい筋肉痛のままだった。 日中は男が担いで、夕方は男女で頑張って、夜になると担いでいる人はほ8割以上女~
 At the beginning of the journey, leaving the shrine

Carrying the mikoshi 

 A view from the street mirror

What people wear

 Close up of the shrine

There way of cooling off? Throw others into the ocean.


あわのネ//Awa no Ne Music Festival

来年も行こう~! というか、来年ボランティアとかできたらいいな~~
I went to Awa no Ne. Awa no Ne is a local music festival held right near the ocean. There are a lot of food places and booths, you can watch dance crews, there's a DJ area and about 2 or 3 stages.
The weather was a bit iffy but it was a great day spent with friends and others enjoying the music!

I hope to go again next year! Rather...if there is someway I could volunteer and help, that would be awesome!!

Rock in Japan 2014//ロッキン2014

I finally had a chance to go to Rock in Japan!
It is a music festival held every summer which focuses on Japanese rock and pop musicians.
I was able to see some bands that I really like. Was a wonderful weekend! But... way too expensive! Between the cost of the tickets, transportation, food, and merchandise, I spend about $500 or more. Definitely only happening once! Oh, and if you go, take as little as possible!!
ロッキンやっと行けた♪ すごく楽しかったけど、高すぎ! チケット代、交通費、食べ物、グッズで5万ぐらい使っちゃった>< 一回は行けたよかった~! 

What I should have brought:
Tickets, ID, money, a towel
Instead I also had change of clothes, chargers, umbrella, a couple towels, and some other things I didn't need. 
BUT, the great thing is you can check your bag for the day for 1000 yen. I did that the second day... definitely worth it!

チケット, ID, お金, タオル, 時計

私が持っていた本当は必要ないもの: 着替え、充電器、(人込みで全然繋がらない)携帯、傘、食べ物、色々~

I definitely recommend trying a Japanese music festival at least once! I also suggest Summer Sonic, Countdown Japan, and Fuji Rock... though there are many to choose from.

I was able to get rather close for ONE OK ROCK... and got pushed even closer :)

Here is the timetable...
On Saturday, I didn't make it in time for Golden Bomber, but I made it in time for Acidman which was cool. I stayed most of the day at the Grass Stage and saw Shounan no Kaze, RIP SLYME, Dragon Ash, Maximum the Hormone, and then switched over to the Lake Stage for Fujifabric.
土曜日はゴールデンボンバー間に合わなかったけど、アシッドマンの最後の数曲見えて、初めて聞いてたから、面白かった! 今度他の曲も探してみる^^ 一日中グラスステージにいて、湘南乃風、RIP SLYME、Dragon Ash、マキシマムざホルモン見て、最後にフジファブリックみた! 志村さんが亡くなった前から聞いているから、どうなってるのか気になってた~~感動した! Dragon Ashも前からちょいちょい聞いてたけど、ボーカルの存在感がすごくて、自分のありのままで話してたというか…すごくいい人に見えた。普通はこんなの全然考えないけど、初めて「こんな人と友達になってみたいな」と思った~

2日目//The 2nd Day
The second day I arrived in the middle of Nico Touches the Walls... another artist I'll have to check out later.
I was really looking forward to 「Alexandros」since I have been listening to them since they were "Champagne". They were quite good :)
The one that I was looking forward to the most though was... ONE OK ROCK. I went pretty close to the front and got drenched with the hose and sweat. I was a gross mess after!
I stayed to watch Ketsumeishi and a little of Chara then had to take off to head back home. I wish I had been able to see THE BACK HORN. Maybe someday...
2日目は…Nico Touches the Wallsの途中に到着して、彼らの音楽も後でもっと調べたい。
一番楽しみにしていたのはONE OK ROCK♪ 前のほうまで行けて、汗と水でずぶ濡れになって…帰るとき気持ち悪かったww
ケツメイシとCHARAちょっとだけみて、会場出た~ Back Horn見たかったけど、時間がなかった...また今度みてみたい!


In Japan, it is more common for the woman to give to the man and chocolate is the most common gift. If you feel like it, you also give some to your friends and coworkers. A lot of people make homemade chocolate as well. In America, both the male and the female give something to their loved ones.... flowers, wine, cards, chocolate, stuffed animals, etc.
Here, the women give the chocolate to the men on Valentine's Day and the men give chocolate or a bigger gift in return on "White Day" which is a month later, on March 14th. This holiday is also popular in Korea!

ということで、同僚のためにチョコ作ってみた~! 初めてチョコ作ったけど、割とよくできたと思う♪ 二つの種類作って、1つ目が普通のチョコで、2つ目はがオレオが入っていた☆
I decided to make some chocolate for my coworkers... It was my first time making chocolate, but I think I did rather well :) There were 2 kinds... one normal, and one with oreo in it.